Inspera Assessment is progressively being rolled out across UQ. For Course Coordinators, it is essential to register your intention to use Inspera each semester to ensure organisational units across UQ can plan sufficient resourcing, support for students, manage risk, and ensure a smooth experience for everyone.  

You may also need to arrange access and training for members of your teaching team, or support staff in your school if they are assisting with the administrative aspects of your assessment.

See your options below. 

You can request access to the Inspera training environment, even if you are not yet using Inspera in your course. In this training environment, you can experiment freely – students don't have access to this platform. If you make something great, you can easily transfer it to the production environment.

Request access to Inspera training environment

Assessment design support

Inspera is a tool that provides new assessment possibilities, which is exciting. However, it’s important to remember the core purpose of assessment: to measure and enhance learning. Inspera will not do the pedagogical work for staff and good assessment design remains essential.

Our team of learning designers are here to help.

Consultation with a learning designer

For assessment design, advice on question and assessment task creation, and providing feedback in Inspera, please book a consultation with us.

Book a consultation with a learning designer

Technological support

Consultation with an eLearning adviser

For technological support, advice on setting up and scheduling assessment, and marking in Inspera, book an eLearning adviser consultation.

Technical guides

Inspera Assessment technical guides are available on the eLearning website.

Troubleshooting issues/reporting bugs

To troubleshoot an issue or report a possible bug, please log a ticket with Make sure you log in a ticket if something in Inspera is not functioning as expected.

Student support

Please refer all student enquiries to the Library AskUs service.

The Library also maintains the Inspera Assessment guide for students.

You are not expected to, and should not resolve technological issues for students. Students should contact AskUs when they experience a problem asap to ensure the best chance of it being rectified. If they claim that they had technological issues days after the actual event, it is often too late.

Important: request support early

Some assessment is high stakes and can involve a lot of inconvenience and work if it goes wrong. We strongly encourage you to seek support as early as possible so we can work with you to prevent problems from occurring in the first place and ensure a positive experience for all.

Please contact us early so that you can benefit from:

  • a wide range of possibilities for creating engaging and challenging assessment
  • a structured approach to organising your database of questions/assessments in Inspera, allowing you to re-use content later
  • automated and embedded feedback for students, saving you time later in the semester
  • sufficient time for reviewing and testing to ensure students have a good experience and don’t panic
  • time to focus on developing expertise so that you and your teaching team can become self-sufficient and potentially start to lead others.

Book a consultation with a learning designer