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About this Masterclass

Many academics will be familiar with Problem-based Learning (PBL), a pedagogical approach widely used in health professional education and other fields for well over two decades now. The Clinical Science Educator (CSE) team in the Medical Program have led a significant curriculum re-design process over recent years including the evolution of a traditional PBL approach to a refined Case-based Learning (CBL) model. CBL forms the cornerstone of learning for years 1 and 2 students in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program, with over 500 students per year level actively engaged with this learning process.

The CBL model enables students even in their earliest years of study to apply the topics and principles learned to real-world cases they will encounter as graduates. This enhances student motivation and engagement, while developing essential graduate skills in clinical (critical) reasoning and teamwork. While CBL is well-described in the literature, its implementation varies greatly across different settings. This interactive masterclass will provide insights into the practical implementation of CBL, based on the CSE team’s experience in a large course, and the opportunity for participants to consider the potential for application of CBL in their own teaching.

Benefits of attending

At the end of this masterclass, participants will/ will have:

  • Understand the principles of Case-based Learning (CBL), and its potential to engage early learners and provide explicit links to graduate outcomes
  • Considered examples of CBL as used currently in the medical program, along with evaluation data of its effectiveness
  • Explored the potential for application of CBL in their own teaching, including various iterations of the model applicable to differing settings
  • Considered potential challenges to implementation of CBL in their own setting
  • Understand the components of a CBL case and guidelines for writing a case in their own discipline.


Dr Sharon Darlington and Dr Louise Green will lead the session with input from other members of the Clinical Science Educator (CSE) Team of Phase 1 of the Medical Program. This team is based within the St Lucia Clinical Unit of the Faculty of Medicine. The team received a Faculty of Medicine Award for Programs that Enhance Learning (APEL) in 2016 for their work in the development of the CBL program. They have presented data from the development and evaluation of the CBL program at conferences locally and nationally.

About ITaLI Teaching Masterclass Series

The ITaLI Teaching Masterclass Series provides a venue for inspirational and successful teachers to share effective approaches and best practices for teaching. Each Masterclass aims to assist attendees in learning tangible, practical skills that help them build on their existing expertise to excel in teaching for 21st-century students. If you have any suggestions or feedback on how we can improve the series, please contact us using this feedback form or email Dr Hassan Khosravi.

If you wish to download the presentation slides or listen to the video recordings of past events, select a Masterclass in the list of past sessions. Alternatively, all the videos are available on our YouTube channel - ITaLI Masterclasses playlist.