Embedding employability development
Presented by Anna Richards.
This workshop will help you develop an understanding of employability as a learning process, and will assist you to develop strategies for embedding employability development, and for supporting reflective practices in students' approaches to learning in both curricular and extra-curricular activities.
As employability is now a critical part of UQ's new student strategy, staff across the university play an important role in supporting student employability development.
The course will be facilitated by Anna Richards who worked on UQ's employability project and the UQx Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), EMPLOY101x Unlocking your employability.
This course will enable participants to:
- Develop an understanding of employability and UQ's approach to student employability development
- Recognise opportunities for student employability development within and outside of the curriculum
- Develop strategies for embedding employability into curricular and extra-curricular activities
- Apply self-reflective processes to experiences and activities and consider ways to use these processes to support students' reflective practices for employability.
As part of Professional Learning at UQ, ITaLI have developed additional resources to support our workshops. These resources are self-paced and have been designed to encourage participant learning, and provide opportunities for further development in the workshop topic.
To access the Professional Learning site, simply:
1. Open this hyperlink or copy and paste http://bit.ly/italiprolearning into your browser
2. Sign in using your UQ Single Sign-On
3. Click Submit
4. Choose a topic from the sidebar on the left.