Effective teaching is about more than discipline expertise.

UQ’s teaching domain performance criteria include teaching profile, curriculum and assessment design, pedagogies, engagement and leadership.

If you're a research focused (RF) staff member, we strongly encourage you to engage with appropriate developmental offerings that will prepare you for success in teaching.

Our skilled and motivated staff are integral to providing the best teaching and learning outcomes for students, which is why we provide a range of programs and resources aimed at enhancing your skills.


An introduction to teaching and learning at UQ.

Access Teaching@UQ

Self-paced learning

Learn at your own pace with online courses offered by UQ Professional Learning. You can also access specialised podcasts.

Find self-paced learning resources


Access a range of eLearning resources, including:

eLearning guidesOnline workshops1:1 consultations

Open Course Scheme

UQ's best teachers are opening their classroom doors to allow fellow staff the opportunity to observe the innovative delivery practices.

Open Course Scheme

Find a mentor

Having access to an experienced teaching academic who can guide and mentor your teaching efforts can provide you with a supportive sounding board to discuss how things are going.

While local, school-based mentors provide important context and connection for your teaching, you can also develop your teacher by engaging with a mentor from these supportive communities:

HEA Fellows @ UQTeaching Focused Network

Receive feedback on your teaching

There are many ways to receive feedback on your teaching practice. Get evaluative feedback for iterative improvement to your practice, to help you understand what is going well and what could be improved.

Peer observation

Teachers invite colleagues into their classes to observe what their students are doing, then reflect and meet to discuss ways to enhance teaching and learning.

Learn about peer observation opportunities

Informal student feedback

When and how to run an informal class student feedback in your course.

Learn about informal student feedback

Student Evaluation of Course and Teaching evaluations

Student Evaluation of Course and Teaching (SECaT) evaluations give students the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience of courses and teaching at UQ.



Opportunities for recognition of your teaching expertise are available to you through the Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship at UQ. If you have experience in HDR supervision, Honours supervision or Lab Demonstrating and are a current UQ employee, you are eligible to apply for Associate Fellowship.

Find out more about HEA@UQ