Student Experience Survey (SES)
The Student Experience Survey (SES) is an opportunity for current UQ students to talk about their university experience.
University students across Australia are surveyed, and results help both universities and government improve the student experience, including teaching and learning, and student services and supports.
The Australian Government Department of Education has engaged the Social Research Centre (SRC) to work with universities and key stakeholders to administer the SES. The work is overseen by an advisory group which includes representatives and experts from across the sector.
2024 survey
The SRC will send an email inviting eligible students to participate in the 2024 Student Experience Survey.
First-year and final-year undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students are invited to participate in the Student Experience Survey (SES) via an online questionnaire.
The SES is a national survey conducted in August each year for the Australian Government Department of Education. The Social Research Centre (SRC) administers the survey on the government's behalf.
We encourage all students to participate. The survey provides you with the opportunity to talk about your university experience, and all responses are confidential.
UQ uses the results to make improvements to teaching and learning, as well as student services and support at the University. It also gives us a valuable insight into the experiences of UQ students.
The results from the survey will be made public via the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) website to help current and future students make informed decisions about their study options.
More information about the SES can be found at
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact the SRC Student Experience Survey Helpdesk on:
- Phone: 1800 055 818 (from within Australia); or +61 3 8354 3635 (from outside Australia)
- Email:
We encourage all UQ staff to promote this important research to students, in particular if your role involves communicating with undergraduate or postgraduate coursework students in their first or last year of study.
You can use the following resources to assist with promotion:
Promotion screen and slide to insert in your lectures
Text for newsletters and social media
Have your say about the UQ student experience.
Want to make your mark on higher education in Australia? Check your student email to see if you've been invited to participate in the Student Experience Survey.
Your responses will assist both UQ and the government to improve the quality of higher education in Australia. Visit for more information.
Want to make your mark on higher education in Australia and have your say about the UQ student experience? Check your student email to see if you've been invited to participate in the Student Experience Survey. Find out more at
Have your say on #highered in Australia! The #StudentExperienceSurvey is underway. Find out more at
Start the Student Experience Survey (SES)
You can access the survey, and find more information about the SES.