Professional learning programs
Professional learning microcredentials
I'm a new tutor
Tutors@UQ is designed for new tutors, lab demonstrators or learning advisors from any discipline.
I'm a new teacher
Teaching@UQ is for anyone new to teaching at UQ, or experienced tutors or researchers wanting to build a career in higher education.
I'm a new course coordinator
Coordinating@UQ is for those who are new to course coordination at UQ or want to enhance their course to foster active student participation and learning.
I’m re-/designing a curriculum
Curriculum Bootcamp is for staff designing (or re-designing) a curriculum for learning, whether it be a course, a module, or a professional development program.
Professional learning programs
I want to earn credentials
The Teaching Foundations Certificate is for staff who have completed Teaching or Coordinating@UQ, or have extensive teaching experience.