The Tutors@UQ program is designed for tutors from any discipline. The sessions are facilitated at the faculty level, allowing for discipline-specific examples and contextualisation as appropriate.
The program is structured around three face-to-face sessions for a total of five hours of contact time.
- Session 1: two hours prior to start of semester, covering:
- expectations for tutor professionalism at UQ
- ways in which we learn
- tutoring for learning
- planning for learning.
Session 2: two hours prior to start of semester, covering:
- managing tutorials for learning
- How do we know if our students are learning? Student learning and role of assessment, feedback and moderation in this process
- How is my tutoring evaluated? Tutor evaluation
- tutor support, resources and reflection.
Session 3: one hour follow-up session during semester (by Week 5 is strongly recommended). Examples of topics covered include:
- What happened in my tutorials?
- How can I continue to improve my tutoring?
- Where to from here?
The sessions utilise the principles of active learning, allowing tutors the opportunity to engage in small group activities while also watching the facilitator model effective small group learning strategies.
Join Tutors@UQ
Interested in participating in the next program? Contact your Faculty Academic Administration for more information.
Online course for tutors
Teaching Online for Tutors is a new course that compliments the Tutors@UQ program. This self-paced course runs for 3.5 hours and can be completed anytime online.