This workshop provides participants with a structured program to develop knowledge, skills and confidence in using Learn.UQ (Blackboard), UQ's learning management system. 

It's recommended that you have 2 screens so you can follow the instructions and complete the workshop activities demonstrated.


  • eLearning advisors

Who should attend

  • Course coordinators
  • Lecturers
  • Tutors

What you'll learn

  • Understand the Blackboard course site structure and learn about the range of tools available within a course site.
  • Understand the underlying workings of the tools available, and apply some basic tools to course content and materials.
  • Use the enrolment and groups tools, with an introduction to the Grade centre.
  • Understand the Blackboard staff and student enrolment process, and develop a clear understanding of resources available to staff and students for eLearning at UQ.  

About Ready to Teach Week Sem 2 2024

Ready to Teach Week is a bi-annual event, consisting of online and in-person activities designed to help you prepare course materials for the upcoming semester.

