About Overview of feedback mechanisms in Inspera

Feedback perennially scores low on SeCATS, and a recent Staff Student Partnership project revealed many students had “never received any feedback in Inspera except for what I got right or wrong”.

This session provides an overview of the extensive options for feedback in Inspera and will encourage attendees to pick one small feedback initiative to implement this semester.


  • Dale Hansen, Digital Assessment team, ITaLI
  • Jacqui Lynagh
  • Dr Luke Zaphir

Who should attend

Course coordinators, markers and those supporting teaching teams

What you'll learn

Learn how to utilise effective, actionable feedback via:

  • pre-written feedback
  • custom comments as annotations, page notes and rubric feedback
  • overall feedback via Explanations.

Participants will learn how to make this feedback available to students via post-submission review or the Candidate Report.

After registering, you will receive a Zoom link for the session.

