Orientation for all Academics new to UQ
5 February 2019 8:45am–1:30pm
About Orientation for all Academics new to UQ
This orientation session is for academics new to UQ. It provides essential information about the environment at UQ, and your role as an academic.
As an academic new to UQ, you should have received an invitation to attend the next session. If you haven't please check Workday to view upcoming sessions and/or contact the facilitator.
The session complements induction activities that take place formally and informally across the University (i.e. New Staff Expo) at the organisational unit level.
- understand The University of Queensland as an organisation, and their role as academics within it
- understand academic career development and progression processes at UQ
- become familiar with the tools and systems which exist to support them to grow, excel and succeed
- meet and hear from units available to assist them in their teaching, research and development, and
- begin to develop a network of colleagues from across the University.
Hawken Bld, #50