Students as Partners Network: Student Voice Australia Symposium
The 2022 Student Voice Australia Symposium will bring together staff and students from Australian higher education institutions to share their experience, knowledge and future plans for student voice in decision-making. The fully online Symposium will offer a range of formats, including showcases, discussions, interactive group sessions and plenary presentations.
The Symposium challenges students and staff to examine and emphasise the role of students as essential partners in decision-making and governance now and into the future. In turbulent and uncertain times globally working together in meaningful, transparent and reciprocal partnerships with shared goals, appropriate support and mutual understanding and respect can position students and staff for more stable, powerful and participatory futures which create positive and lasting influence in work, life and for a democratic society.
This year, the Symposium will focus on three significant areas – homes to challenges, lessons and immense possibility:
- lessons from the past for the present
- crossing the partnership/voice floor; and
- possibilities for building capacity (in)between future citizens.
For more information, including opportunities to present at the Symposium and/or register for the event, go to the 2022 Symposium website.