PadletUQ Workshop - Zoom

This course will introduce participants to PadletUQ, a virtual wall that can be used in both face-to-face and online learning environments to promote active learning.

PadletUQ allows users to share resources, post comments, react to other posts and collaborate online in one location. The layout can also be adapted to facilitate different learning activities, such as a wall layout for brainstorming, a backchannel layout for a twitter-like feed and a column layout for group work. The workshop will also briefly cover the Active Learn Suite applications (UQpoll, UQwordcloud, UQwordstream) which are used to collect student responses to a question or a series of questions posed during a tutorial.

Target Audience: Teaching staff


  • understand how PadletUQ, UQpoll, UQwordcloud and UQwordstream can be used to support teaching and learning.
  • understand how the different layouts can be used for different learning activities.
  • create, share, export and reuse a Padlet.

Course Coordinator & work area: Ailsa Dickie, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation

Keywords: IT, Teaching, Learning, Active Learning, Padlet, PadletUQ

Legacy course code: ELBPAP


Zoom (link and workshop resources will be sent to registered participants 24 hours before the workshop)