Blog post – How has COVID-19 impacted your teaching and assessment?

It has been a [insert your preferred adjective here] semester. As the semester wraps up, it is timely to reflect and learn together in ways academics know well – through research and sharing practices.

UQ was recently awarded a Universitas 21 (U21) grant to explore how academics have responded to COVID-19 – changes to teaching and assessment, networks leveraged to support that change, and reflections on what was gained and lost in the process. We now invite course coordinators to participate in the study and signal interest in sharing a short case study of your course. 

Complete this 15 min survey by 19 July 2020. View summary results to see what your colleagues are saying.

At the end of the survey, you will be invited to participate further if you like – let ITaLI create a case study of your course and further discuss your experiences in Semester 1 2020. We are curating a UQ and U21 case study collection to enable academics at research-intensive universities across to globe to learn from each other. Learning that helps us all prepare for more online-heavy teaching in Semester 2 2020 and, (likely) into 2021.

The aim of the project is to inform ongoing planning at UQ and across the U21 network that draws on real case studies of change to courses due to COVID-19 restrictions. The project will also contribute new knowledge in the field of higher education research.  

The benefits are manifold: evidence from academics to inform ongoing decisions in ITaLI; new insights into how academics responded and what that means for next semester; a potential case study from your course shared widely to support fellow academics and to include in your UQ Form A (academic portfolio); and a moment to collectively reflect on an unprecedented semester from the perspective of course coordinators.  

This research is being replicated at Lund University (Sweden) and Edinburgh (UK). Information, including ethical clearance, are available when you click the survey link. All survey responses will be confidential and shared in the aggregate with the UQ community via a ‘live results’ dashboard and in a webinar (tentatively scheduled for October 2020). The intention of sharing summary results quickly is to give a voice to the experiences of course coordinators and create conversations that support all teaching staff to enhance teaching and assessment practices in these unusual times.

How has COVID-19 impacted your teaching and assessment?

Take the survey

View summary results 


Last updated:
23 June 2020