Professor Helen King

Helen is Professor and Director of Learning Innovation and Skills at Bath Spa University with responsibility for developing and enhancing learning, learning support and teaching across the institution. She has extensive experience in strategic leadership of academic staff development, facilitation and evaluation within learning and teaching in higher education.
Her career in educational development spans nearly three decades, developing from a focus on geoscience education (connecting into her original academic field of geophysics) to working across all academic disciplines. She has had leading roles in UK-wide learning and teaching enhancement projects and organisations, as an independent consultant collaborating with colleagues in the UK, USA and Australia, and institutional leadership roles.
She has broad interests across a range of learning, teaching and assessment themes, but her particular passion is supporting colleagues’ professional learning and development. Her current research is exploring the characteristics of expertise for teaching in higher education. In her non-work time, she thoroughly enjoys trail running and Bluegrass banjo playing (not necessarily at the same time), both of which feed into her research and educational development interests in various ways!