Professor Gwendolyn Lawrie

Principal Practitioner – Inclusivity and Diversity
Position: Professor, School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, Faculty of Science
Gwen joined the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences at UQ in 2008 as a Teaching Focused academic, following several postdoctoral and senior research appointments in the UK and Australia. After successfully transferring from bench chemistry research into chemistry education and discipline-based education research, her projects have addressed diversity and engagement of students through collaborative inquiry tasks, the implementation of undergraduate research experiences, and mechanisms for provision of formative feedback to support self-regulated learning. She currently leads an active research program into supporting and assessing student self-regulated learning in online environments in parallel with how teachers combine multimodal representations in teaching. Gwen is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has been recognised by multiple national, professional and institutional teaching awards.