Associate Professor Christine Slade

Associate Professor Christine Slade PFHEA is an academic at The University of Queensland’s Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI). Her primary areas of expertise are assessment, academic integrity, and more recently artificial intelligence in education; she contributes to UQ’s strategic priorities in these areas. Christine has been recognised for her outstanding contributions to student learning and academic integrity. In 2023 she was awarded an Australian Award for University Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning for her work.
She is also a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK, (the highest level of fellowship), awarded for sustained strategic impact and thought leadership in teaching and learning at international and institutional levels. Christine is involved in several initiatives and projects aimed at promoting academic integrity and supporting schools in Queensland and was an advisor on the development of the Australian Framework for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Schools. In August 2023, she was an invited assessment expert at the recent TEQSA commissioned Assessment Reform in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Forum which developed principles and propositions to support the sector. Previously, Christine led a HERDSA-funded grant exploring why students use ‘buy-sell-trade’ filing sharing sites with the view to inform institutional decision making. Additionally, she was a finalist in the 2021 augural Tracey Bretag Prize with the UQ Academic Integrity Team, which she led.
Christine has been part of numerous academic integrity development initiatives, including the TEQSA-funded national academic integrity workshops and toolkit of resources. She has also represented UQ on the international Epigeum Academic Integrity Development Collaborative, which designed contemporary academic integrity modules for students and staff.
Further information about Christine’s work can be found at