Dr Lynda Shevellar

Principal Practitioner – Participation and Engagement
Position: Senior Lecturer, School of Social Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr Lynda Shevellar joined The University of Queensland in 2009. Lynda’s teaching is focused on areas of social inequality, community development, ethical practice, and participatory research methods. She has a particular interest in the development of psychological safety in the classroom to help maximise belonging and participation. Lynda’s approach to teaching is underpinned by thirty years of experience in community development, the disability sector, mental health, and higher education.
Based in the School of Social Science, Lynda won an early career award for teaching excellence in 2011, The University of Queensland Award for Teaching Excellence in 2019 and an Australian Award for University Teaching (AAUT) Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning – the latter for supporting diverse, non-traditional and international students through community-centred learning approaches (2019). She is Deputy Associate Dean (Academic) of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.