Dr Kathleen Mahon

Kathleen has been a university educator and educational researcher based in Australia, and more recently Sweden, for over 14 years. Her teaching and research focus on higher education pedagogy, professional learning of university educators, conditions for educational practice, and research approaches that simultaneously investigate and nurture educational practice and praxis. Since completing her PhD on critical pedagogical praxis in higher education in 2014, Kathleen has become known internationally for her work on educational praxis and practice theory, with her co-authored publications on the theory of practice architectures being particularly widely cited.
Kathleen's role is to support UQ staff in their efforts to enhance their own teaching practice, their courses and programs, the experiences of their students, and their scholarly engagement with teaching and learning challenges and opportunities, and also to support the UQ community more broadly to enhance educational practices and conditions for teaching and learning across the University.
Kathleen holds the title of ‘Docent in Pedagogical Work’ in Sweden and is a co-founding editor of the Journal of Praxis in Higher Education. Her professional background includes twenty years of teaching and leading in schools and outdoor education settings in Queensland and the Northern Territory.