Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee provides advice on future strategic directions and priorities for the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI).
Its purpose is to:
- provide strategic advice to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) on setting current and future strategic directions and priorities for teaching and learning at The University of Queensland (UQ);
- serve as a means of communication between the University community and the Institute;
- monitor the development, implementation and evaluation of major initiatives undertaken by the Institute;
- advise on issues raised by the ITaLI Executive Committee; and
- review the Institute's performance in meeting UQ’s strategic objectives and provide feedback to the Institute and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience), including recommendations for performance benchmarks.
The Committee is chaired by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) and comprises the Director of ITaLI, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) or nominee, the Associate Deans (Academic) for each faculty and two senior academics nominated by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning).
The Committee currently meets three times a year.
For further information, including the Terms of Reference, please contact the ITaLI Director (Secretariat).