SECaT course and teaching reports
Quantitative results
Quantitative results of course evaluations from 2015 to the current semester are available for staff and students to view.
Reportal reports
The following lists the different reports that are available to download from the UQ Reportal, and provides links to each type of report.
At the end of each semester, reports will be available the Monday following the week grades are released to students.
The data access rules listed below are as per the PPL Student Evaluation of Course and Teaching Procedure.
New: SECaT Merged Reports
Report details
Two reports which allow course coordinators and teaching staff to merge SECaT results across course codes, offerings (modes and campus), and semesters. The reports further allow staff to filter merged results (by students' first plan, program of enrolment, GPA, grades, etc.) where there are 6 or more students per unit of analyses (prior to Semester 1, 2024), or 5 or more students per unit of analyses (Semester 1, 2024 onwards).
See printable step-by-step instructions (PDF, 413.3 KB)
Who gets access to the reports?
- Staff with SECaT Teaching results
- Course coordinators
- Head of School
- Faculty Executive Dean & Associate Dean (Academic)
- Other staff with delegated data access rights (e.g. Chair of School Teaching and Learning Committee or Chair of Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee)
- Staff will need to apply for Reportal access first.
Link to reports
SECaT Course Report
Report details
- Summary tab: Mean and percentage agreement values for each question, for each course in the period selected, summarised in a single report.
- Course tab: An individual report for each course for the period selected, showing mean and percentage agreement values for each question with a graphical representation of the distribution of responses by question.
Who gets access to the reports?
- Course coordinator
- Head of School
- Faculty Executive Dean & Associate Dean (Academic)
- Other staff with delegated data access rights (e.g. Chair of School Teaching and Learning Committee or Chair of Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee)
- SECaT Course Reports are accessible to all staff and are available to download in the UQ Reportal. Staff will need to apply for Reportal access first.
Link to reports
SECaT Course Report
School Course Report
Faculty Course Report
SECaT Details Report - Course coordinator's Report
Report details
A report which allows the course coordinator to analyse SECaT results using filters (students' first plan, program of enrolment, GPA, grades, etc.) where there are 6 or more students per unit of analyses (prior to Semester 1, 2024), or 5 or more students per unit of analyses (Semester 1, 2024 onwards).
- Course and Teaching tabs: Mean and percentage agreement values for each question with all comments from the course and teaching Q. 9 and Q. 10.
- Course and Teaching Comments Frequencies tabs: Comments from the course and teaching qualitative items with stop words removed to provide a quick overview of the most frequent words included per question. Download the list of stop words (XLSX,14KB)
Who gets access to the reports?
- Course coordinator
- Head of School
- Faculty Executive Dean & Associate Dean (Academic)
- Other staff with delegated data access rights (e.g. Chair of School Teaching and Learning Committee or Chair of Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee)
- SECaT Course Reports are accessible to all staff and are available to download in the UQ Reportal. Staff will need to apply for Reportal access first.
Link to reports
SECaT Teaching Report
Report details
- Summary tab: Mean and percentage agreement values for each question, for each course in the period selected, summarised in a single report.
- Teaching detail tab: An individual report for each course for the period selected, showing mean and percentage agreement values for each question with a graphical representation of the distribution of responses by question.
Who gets access to the reports?
- Lecturer
- Course coordinator
- Head of School
- Faculty Executive Dean & Associate Dean (Academic)
- Other staff with delegated data access rights (e.g. Chair of School Teaching and Learning Committee or Chair of Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee).
Link to reports
SECaT Teaching Summary Report
Report details
- Summary tab: Mean and percentage agreement values for each question, for each course over multiple years, summarised in a single report. Use this report for promotions applications or if you require a summary of your SECaT teaching outcomes over multiple years.
Who gets access to the reports?
- Lecturer
- Course coordinator
- Head of School
- Faculty Executive Dean & Associate Dean (Academic)
- Other staff with delegated data access rights (e.g. Chair of School Teaching and Learning Committee or Chair of Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee).
Link to reports
SECaT Teaching Summary Report (for promotions applications)
SECaT Details Report - Teaching Report
Report details
A report which allows the listed Teacher to analyse SECaT results using filters (students' first plan, program of enrolment, GPA, grades, etc.) where there are 6 or more students per unit of analyses (prior to Semester 1, 2024), or 5 or more students per unit of analyses (Semester 1, 2024 onwards).
- Teaching tab: Mean and percentage agreement values for each question with all comments from the course and teaching Q. 9 and Q. 10.
- Teaching Comments Frequencies tab: Comments from the teaching qualitative items with stop words removed to provide a quick overview of the most frequent words included per question. Download the list of stop words (XLSX,14KB)
Who gets access to the reports?
- Lecturer
- Course coordinator
- Head of School
- Faculty Executive Dean & Associate Dean (Academic)
- Other staff with delegated data access rights (e.g. Chair of School Teaching and Learning Committee or Chair of Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee).
Link to reports
School Course and Teaching Report
Report details
- Overall report: A summary report for all courses for the period selected, showing mean values for the course overall question (arranged in descending order of value), and mean values for the teaching overall question (arranged in descending order of value).
- Course results: Mean values for each question, and percentage agreement values for the course overall question, for each course in the period selected, summarised in a single report arranged in ascending order by course code.
- Teaching results: Mean values for each question, and percentage agreement values for the teaching overall question, for each course and associated teacher(s) in the period selected, summarised in a single report arranged in ascending order by course code.
Who gets access to the reports?
- Head of School
- Faculty Executive Dean & Associate Dean (Academic)
- Other staff with delegated data access rights (e.g. Chair of School Teaching and Learning Committee or Chair of Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee).