Course Insights FAQs
What is the purpose of Course Insights?
Course Insights consolidates students data from multiple teaching and learning tools and platforms, so that teaching staff can better understand their students and how they are performing and draw ‘actionable insights’ from the data to identify teaching strategies and interventions that could be implemented to improve student learning.
Who can use Course Insights?
Course Insights is now available for all UQ courses. Course Coordinators can access Course Insights by default. Other teaching team members need permission from the Course Coordinator. School and/or faculty-based Learning Designers requiring access to Course Insights for all courses in a school/faculty need either the Head of School or the Associate Dean Academic’s approval.
How do I access Course Insights?
Course Coordinators and their course teams can access Course Insights from the Learn.UQ (Blackboard) side menu via their relevant course site. Instructions on how to access Course Insights are available on the eLearning website.
How can Course Insights be used to provide personalised feedback?
The filtering functionality of Course Insights enables teaching staff to drill-down into the data and compare the whole cohort with a filtered sub-population (e.g. students with specific demographic characteristics) through comparative visualisations and statistical information. To create a filter, you need to define query criteria using field-level attributes in the main dashboards of the platform: Enrolment, Engagement, Assessment. Within the Students page, individual students matching the defined criteria are displayed and can be emailed. Intervention ideas are included within Course Insights.
Is my course required to use Course Insights?
Course Insights is available for all courses. As the University aspires to "Build a digital and personalised experience that evolves to meet changing student and industry expectations and is at the forefront of pedagogies, assessment and analytics" (UQ Strategic Plan 2022–2025), staff are encouraged to explore the Course Insights dashboard and develop an understanding of how to use data to analyse student learning and enhance learning outcomes.
How can I request new data sources?
The Learning Analytics team is always sourcing new datasets for use in Course Insights by liaising with vendors and the ITS Data as a Service team. Please email to request additional data sources.
How can I request and help to design new features?
Many features and visualisations included in Course Insights were requested by teaching staff at UQ. The Learning Analytics team regularly holds co-design sessions where new features can be designed and scheduled for release.