In this session, Professor Jason Tangen will speak about AI and how assessment can be adapted to reflect students' likely reliance on these tools. 

About Statistics and Research Methods Community of Practice

Do you teach research methods or statistics at UQ?

Join our new Community of Practice to learn from others and help maximise student engagement and learning.

This initiative will allow new and seasoned teachers to share best practice and troubleshoot areas of concern. We will meet at the beginning and end of each semester to learn about what works well for others and address problem areas.

The goals of this Community of Practice are to:

  • enhance student learning: many students experience statistics and methods anxiety – our mission is to help students conquer their fears and learn to appreciate statistics
  • share best practice: why reinvent the wheel when we can learn from others about what’s working well and how they’ve addressed problem areas
  • encourage dialogue: engage in productive discussions on key issues like managing statistics and methods anxiety, making statistics and methods relevant to students’ day to day lives, and more
  • enhance teaching: no matter your experience, this forum will help us all become better teachers
  • create a community: connect with fellow academics across the University in a friendly and supportive environment.

Al UQ staff are welcome to attend.

Zoom link: 


McElwain Building (24a), St Lucia campus