Professional Learning Pathways Summit
This Teaching and Learning showcase session will be utilised to seek your views and share the findings from the Professional Learning Pathways Project.
This session will present new pathways to professional learning that emerged from the Pathways project conducted in 2019. Help refine the ways that UQ builds teaching expertise for all UQ teachers.
About Showcasing teaching & learning innovation
Presented by Dr Deanne Gannaway.
This showcasing event provides opportunities for academics engaged in teaching and learning innovation, grants and fellowships to disseminate resources, tools and practices. Presenters will share their outcomes and findings and lessons learnt.
This course will enable participants to:
1. Learn about teaching and learning innovation occurring at UQ
2. Engage with practitioners to share ideas about teaching and learning innovation
3. Identify practices that might be applied or adapted to their own teaching contexts.
For alternative professional development sessions that showcase teaching and learning innovations, see the What's working? Showcasing teaching and learning innovations page.