• Topic of this session: Getting published: Going public with your SoTL work
  • Presenters: Professor Mick Healey

We are delighted that Professor Mick Healey from the UK is revisiting the University of Queensland during the week beginning 22 July 2019 as a Visiting Fellow in ITaLI. Mick is an experienced presenter. Since 1995 he has given over 500 educational presentations in more than 25 different countries. He has been a frequent visitor to the University in the last 15 years.

This interactive workshop aims to unpack some of the mysteries of publishing in a variety of genres. Participants will be assisted in developing their voices through valuing the variety of writing genres (including empirical research articles, conceptual research articles, literature reviews, opinion pieces, case studies, and reflective essays) and publication outlets (including subscription and open access; disciplinary and transdisciplinary; refereed and non-refereed; journals and blogs). In short, we argue that there is no single way of going about writing for publication in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). The workshop should benefit both staff and students who have limited experience of writing and publishing about their SoTL work, and support and guide more experienced colleagues to rethink some of their writing practices.

Participants are asked to bring ideas, a provisional title and 150-200 word abstract for a SoTL article that they would like to write for publication in a genre and outlet of their choice. 

Professor Mick Healey is an HE Consultant and Researcher and Emeritus Professor at the University of Gloucestershire, UK. Until 2010 he was Director of the Centre for Active Learning, a nationally-funded Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.  He is currently The Humboldt Distinguished Scholar in Research-Based Learning at McMaster University, Canada and a Visiting Fellow at ITaLI at the University of Queensland. He was one of the first people in the UK to be awarded a National Teaching Fellowship and to be made a Principal Fellow of the HE Academy.  In 2015 he received the Distinguished Service Award from the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Mick has written and edited over 200 papers, chapters, books and guides on various aspects of teaching and learning in HE, with a particular emphasis on research and inquiry-based learning and students working in partnership with staff. He has over 9,000 citations. He was co-editor of the International Journal for Academic Development (2010-13) and is currently Inaugural Senior Editor International Journal for Students as Partners.  He is often asked to act as an advisor to projects, universities and governments on aspects of teaching and learning. He has presented at around two-thirds of Australian universities.

The event will run from 2–3.30pm. From 3.30–4pm, everyone is invited to informal networking over afternoon tea, even if you can not make the whole session.

About UQ Teaching Focused Network

Coordinated by: Associate Professor Rachel Fitzgerald

The UQ Teaching Focused Network is open to all UQ staff interested in scholarly approaches to teaching, although teaching-focused (TF) staff are the primary audience.

This network connects TF academics from across UQ, promotes the sharing of practices, nurtures support for career development, enables consultation on strategic planning, and exchanges information relevant to TF roles.

The TF Network Leadership Group steers and guides the direction of the network, including events and communication amongst TF academics across UQ.

 TF Network Leadership Group, 2023-24:

  • Suzanne Bonner, BEL 
  • Rachel Fitzgerald, BEL 
  • Roma Forbes, HaBS
  • Gwen Lawrie, Science
  • Joan Li, Medicine
  • Kelly Matthews, ITaLI 
  • Janette McWilliam, HASS
  • Stuart Middleton, BEL
  • Preetha Thomas, Medicine
  • Richard Thomas, EAIT.

Be sure to subscribe to the UQ Teaching Community Update.


Learning Innovation Building (17), St Lucia campus

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