About this session

Learning analytics has developed rapidly over the past decade, providing extensive contributions to the science of learning. For continued success and impact, LA must move from the research lab into organisational practices. Innovative insights must scale to innovative practices. In order to make this transition, an exploration of the role of leadership is required. This presentation outlines the importance of complexity leadership theory that informs the development of SPARK a framework for leadership to deploy and evaluate the impact of LA. This framework accounts for the complexities of learning environments, organisational policies, and external environment practices while guiding leadership teams to deploy LA initiatives scalable to achieve organisational impact.

Presenter: Professor Shane Dawson

Professor Shane Dawson is the Head of the School of Education (acting) and Professor of Learning Analytics at the University of South Australia. Shane's research focuses on the use of social network analysis and learner ICT interaction data to inform and benchmark teaching and learning quality. Shane is a founding executive member of the Society for Learning Analytics Research and past program and conference chair of the International Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference. He is a co-developer of numerous open source software including the Online Video Annotations for Learning (OVAL) and SNAPP a social network visualisation tool designed for teaching staff to better understand, identify and evaluate student learning, engagement, academic performance and creative capacity.

Please note: all are welcome to attend, view the presentation and participate in group discussions in Room 425, B17. Alternatively, Zoom link details will be provided closer to the event.


About Learning Analytics and Digital Learning Community of Practice

All UQ staff are invited to attend these sessions aiming to develop a community of practice around learning analytics, evidence-based teaching practice and digital learning. 

Each session intends to cater to a variety of presentation and participation formats including presentions, lightning talks, practical data processing tutorials, predictive model building tutorials, learning tool design sessions, recent publication/conference overviews, as well as panel discussions and debates.

For general enquiries please contact learninganalytics@uq.edu.au.


Learning Innovation Building (17)