Webinar: How do I document the impact of COVID-19 in my academic portfolio?

COVID-19 has impacted all academics and particularly those teaching in 2020. How do we account for the impact in our academic portfolio (Form A)? What are the best ways to signal reduced work in other areas due to increased demands of teaching online or in dual mode? How do we get around the *contact hours* that typically focus on F2F contact to indicate the amount of time spent online? Should we include SECaT results? What if we had to reduce hours due to carer commitment during the stay at home restrictions? And what about all the missed opportunities of cancelled networking events and the like? There are many questions and this session opens up space to ask them.

Join Professor Peter Adams, the President of the UQ Academic Board, as he answers your questions about including the impact of COVID-19 into the academic portfolio. This event is hosted by the UQ Teaching Focused Network and, as always, is open to all colleagues interested in attending. This particular session will be highly relevant to all academic staff required to complete the Form A, academics who appraise fellow academics, and members of faculty confirmation and promotion committees.


About UQ Teaching Focused Network

Coordinated by: Associate Professor Rachel Fitzgerald

The UQ Teaching Focused Network is open to all UQ staff interested in scholarly approaches to teaching, although teaching-focused (TF) staff are the primary audience.

This network connects TF academics from across UQ, promotes the sharing of practices, nurtures support for career development, enables consultation on strategic planning, and exchanges information relevant to TF roles.

The TF Network Leadership Group steers and guides the direction of the network, including events and communication amongst TF academics across UQ.

 TF Network Leadership Group, 2023-24:

  • Suzanne Bonner, BEL 
  • Rachel Fitzgerald, BEL 
  • Roma Forbes, HaBS
  • Gwen Lawrie, Science
  • Joan Li, Medicine
  • Kelly Matthews, ITaLI 
  • Janette McWilliam, HASS
  • Stuart Middleton, BEL
  • Preetha Thomas, Medicine
  • Richard Thomas, EAIT.

Be sure to subscribe to the UQ Teaching Community Update.


Online (via Zoom)

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