About this session

This showcase will hold a series of short presentations discussing different examples of how EAIT schools ensure the success of diverse student cohorts, offer thoughts on issues to overcome when using inclusive practices, and reflect on how these strategies have affected student performance.

The audience will be asked to contribute their ideas after each presentation on how this applies to their teaching practices. As the target audience is members of the EAIT Faculty and other UQ teaching staff, these approaches will be directly applicable to their classes.


  • Dr Kelly Greenop (Architecture) and Susan Beetson (ITEE)
  • A/Prof Chris Landorf (Architecture)
  • Dr Lisa Ottenhaus (Civil Engineering) and A/Prof Liza O'Moore (Civil Engineering)


  • A/Prof Greg Birkett, School of Chemical Engineering

Who should attend?

  • EAIT Faculty staff
  • Other UQ staff including:
    • Course coordinators
    • Lecturers
    • Academic staff
    • Teaching support staff

Benefits of attending

  • Develop a repertoire of approaches they can use for a diverse range of students in their classroom.

About Teaching and Learning Week (T&L) 2021

1–5 November 2021. Celebrate inclusive teaching and learning practices designed to enhance student learning and facilitate a sense of belonging at UQ.

A copy of the program is available for your records.

Video recordings and other resources are now available via the Past events resources page (UQ staff login required).

Access T&L Week 2021 sessions' recordings and other resources
(UQ staff login required)



Hawken Engineering Building (50), St Lucia campus