Post event resources

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About this workshop

This session will introduce Open Educational Resources (OER) and their benefits for students and staff at UQ. OER are free or affordable learning resources that can be adapted to incorporate local context, a diversity of viewpoints, and Indigenous perspectives. Open Textbooks @ UQ, a Pressbooks network, can facilitate the production of open textbooks for use in UQ courses, and a demonstration of this platform will be included in the seminar. 
Several OER projects and publications will also be showcased, including the first two published UQ OER, JUNTXS and +JUNTXS, which were authored for multiple Spanish language courses. These resources incorporated strategic use of UQ-supported active learning tools such as H5P and Padlet to create interactive tasks and engagement with the course content. We will also hear about an OER textbook being authored for a first-year course in the School of Dentistry, incorporating co-creation through two Student-Staff Partnerships


Who should attend?

  • Course coordinators
  • Lecturers
  • Tutors
  • Academic staff
  • Teaching support staff
  • Academic staff
  • Teaching support staff

Benefits of attending

  • Explore Open Educational Resources (OER) and their benefits to students and UQ more widely.
  • Demonstrate the possibilities and benefits of developing OER through the UQ Pressbooks platform, Textbooks @ UQ.
  • Share innovative ways of conceptualising learning and teaching materials to support more active and inclusive pedagogies.


About Teaching and Learning Week (T&L) 2021

1–5 November 2021. Celebrate inclusive teaching and learning practices designed to enhance student learning and facilitate a sense of belonging at UQ.

A copy of the program is available for your records.

Video recordings and other resources are now available via the Past events resources page (UQ staff login required).

Access T&L Week 2021 sessions' recordings and other resources
(UQ staff login required)



Sir Llew Edwards Building (14), St Lucia
Room 116 + online (Zoom)