1. Introduction

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools create content based on a prompt that can include text, PDF’s, images and videos. Generated content commonly includes images, code, text, and video. Generative AI is a powerful tool but has a range of limitations.

ChatGPT acknowledges its platform: 

  • may occasionally generate incorrect information
  • may occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content
  • has limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021 (ChatGPT, OpenAI, 2023). 

UQ's position

University Senior Leadership (2023) has agreed that for UQ:

“The ongoing advances in Generative AI technologies present both opportunities and challenges for teaching and assessment. Its availability requires ongoing appraisal of our teaching and assessment design, evaluation, and governance.

While protecting academic integrity is critical, we also acknowledge the increasing prevalence of AI in our everyday lives, making it critical for us to help students to understand its ethical and effective use.”

In March 2024 Teaching Learning and Student Experience Committee endorsed including Machine Translation (MT) in this position. 

Explore Generative AI

An important step in supporting students to understand the ethical and effective use of Generative AI is to explore these tools yourself. You can follow these guides to create an account and try some prompts. It may take a few attempts to find prompts that generate responses that are useful to you. If you feel stuck, try some of Jason Tangen’s examples or talk to a learning designer.

ITS have developed guidance for using AI chatbots from a cyber-security perspective.