Reporting of course and teaching feedback
View your course and teaching feedback report
Staff will receive an email with their course teaching feedback report on the Monday following the official release date of final grades each semester, as specified in the UQ academic calendar.
Consider looking at the SECaT Reading Tips (PDF, 116.2 KB) before opening and interpreting your course teaching feedback reports.
To protect confidentiality, evaluation reports will only be distributed when a single survey meets the reportable data threshold (5 or more (≥5) responses). Where there are fewer than 5 responses, no numerical analysis and/or comments will be disclosed in evaluation reports.
Quantitative results
Quantitative results of course evaluations from 2015 to the current semester are available for staff and students to view through a dashboard managed by PBI.
View quantitative results of course evaluations
Reportal reports
There are three levels of reports: individual, school and university. These reports are available to view and download from UQ Reportal. The links are provided below.
The report access is governed as per the PPL Student Evaluation of Course and Teaching Procedure.