Partnerships in Virtual Observation of Teaching and Learning (PIVOTAL)
Partnerships in Virtual Observation of Teaching and Learning (PIVOTAL) is a flexible process of peer observation of teaching, where colleagues can observe each other's teaching across campuses, and in their own time.
PIVOTAL involves colleagues establishing a peer observation teaching partnership, with the aim of enhancing student learning. It is particularly suited to small group teaching.
How does PIVOTAL work?
A tutor films their tutorial, using a phone or tablet, then shares the video with a peer observation partner via USB or cloud. The observation partner will then watch the video, and provide their reflections and feedback.
Students may also be invited to play a role in providing feedback on the effectiveness of tutorials and teaching practice from their perspective. This is referred to as an Extended PIVOTAL.
PIVOTAL was developed by Dr Michaela Kelly, Primary Care Clinical Unit, and supported by a University of Queensland Teaching Fellowship.
Support for the development of PIVOTAL and associated resources was provided by: Associate Professor Nancy Sturman, Dr Sharon Darlington, Dr Pamela Chick, and ITaLI's Dominic McGrath and Zarese Kisielewski.
For more information, download the PIVOTAL guide (DOCX, 141KB)
Learn how to engage a peer to observe your teaching virtually.
Guide to PIVOTAL (DOCX, 141KB)