The College of Peer Observers is comprised of academics who have been recognised for their contributions to enhancing teaching and learning at UQ.

Members represent all faculties and campus locations and were invited to join the College by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience). Members of the College of Peer Observers commit to engaging in and supporting observations of teaching activities during the academic year.

Members develop observation skills, meet other College members, and work together to develop and enhance the processes of peer observation at UQ. Additionally, all members are provided support from ITaLI to assist them in performing observations and writing formal reports.

If you would like to engage with the College to support peer observation at UQ, please email

Current members

Past members

  • Associate Professor Frank Alpert, UQ Business School
  • Professor Kim Bryceson, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences
  • Professor Michael Drinkwater, School of Mathematics and Physics
  • Honorary Associate Professor Karen Moni, School of Education
  • Associate Professor Peter Newcombe, School of Psychology
  • Honorary Associate Professor David Jenkins, School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences