UQ staff and students have overwhelmingly reported that Inspera is easy to use. Students have provided feedback that an absence of distractors on the interface allowed them to concentrate on their assessment (Inspera Pilot Evaluation Report, 2021). Further testimonials from staff and students about the benefits of Inspera are also available for viewing. 

Inspera Pedagogical Evaluation Report (staff login required) (PDF, 2.7 MB)

Academic Integrity


More authentic assessment ​
Combine a number of assessment design strategies and technological features to boost academic integrity and assessment security.Inspera supports a broad range of accessibility features including text size, inverted contrast, text to speech and extra time.Inspera has over 20 question types (15 automatically marked) and multi-media functionality that makes it easier to design .

Assessment Quality

Efficient Marking 

Better Feedback 
Improved quality of assessment (authentic, inclusive, valid, reliable) is listed as the most common impact seen after reviewing, enhancing and/or re-designing assessment for Inspera.Save time with 15 automatically marked question types. Assign marking to your team and mark online in your own space and time.

Easier provision of multiple types of feedback for students including 'common' feedback to the entire cohort. 

Digital Exams 

Content Managment

Stable Platform
Less paper, no distributing or separating exam booklets and re-assembling them, no lost exam papers.Use titles and labels to effectively manage assessment items, easily reuse or re-purpose content, easily share content with collaborators.A stable and reliable platform making assessment less stressful for students.