This page provides links to a range of materials and resources developed across UQ to support Indigenising the Curriculum.

You'll need UQ staff login to access most of the resources on this page.

If you have a resource, tip sheet, guideline or similar that can be added to this page, please contact to share.

Podcasts, modules, videos and eBooks

Indigenising Curriculum in Practice podcast

Co-hosted by UQ's Professor Tracey Bunda and Dr Katelyn Barney, this podcast series focuses on Indigenising the University curriculum, featuring a different guest each episode.

The Language of Relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples guide

This introductory guide supports the UQ community to build stronger relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples across the University. 

You Can't Ask That video

In this video you'll hear Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff from UQ give their views on 5 frequently asked questions.

Getting started with Indigenising Curriculum module

This module is designed for teaching staff who are thinking about or working towards Indigenising curriculum.

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Guidelines and tipsheets

Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country guidelines

The guidelines downloadable from this page define Welcome and Acknowledgement processes and include UQ’s recommended wording to Acknowledge Country.

Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges in UQ's School of Public Health curriculum toolkit

This toolkit includes 5 factsheets intended to be a starting point for staff to engage with key topics, as well as suggestions for ongoing learning.

Indigenous design framework

This framework guides architects, designers, project managers and construction staff in all future projects at UQ.

Incorporating Indigenous scholarship tip sheet

UQ's School of Political Science and International Studies developed an initiative for required reading by an Indigenous author to be embedded in every course.

This tip sheet includes ideas about redesigning the curricula, supporting students and tutors in the classroom, and thinking about the contribution Indigenous academics might make to courses.

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Communities and networks

Circle of Practice

The Circle of Practice (CoP) at UQ  brings together those interested in sharing their experiences and practices, learning together about how to Indigenise their curriculum.

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Working with Indigenous reference materials

UQ Library resources

The UQ Library hosts a number of resources designed to support Indigenising Curriculum.

Indigenising Curriculum reading list

This reading list can be a useful starting point to find resources that are currently featured in UQ courses.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives guide

This guide provides a comprehensive list of resources available through UQ Library with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander focus.

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Library curated resources collections

UQ Library has curated 11 collections of resources related to:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander yarns and spoken memories
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors
  • Torres Strait Islands
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary resources
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander theses
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander images
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art
  • Non-Indigenous representations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and peoples
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander guides.
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