SECaT and SETutor surveys give students the opportunity to provide feedback on their educational experiences in relation to course and teaching practices in their enrolled courses.

The process and requirements for preparing and delivering SECaT and SETutor surveys are outlined in the Student Evaluation of Course and Teaching Procedure (the Procedure), and centrally managed by the Student Surveys and Evaluations Team (SSET) in the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI).

Key dates: Semester 2 2024

  • Schools/faculties evaluation data preparation in Course Profiles (Jac): 31 August
  • Course Coordinator requests for merging multiple delivery modes into a single SECaT survey: 31 August
  • Students receive email invitation: 14 October
  • SECaT evaluations close: 1 November (11:59 AEST)
  • Survey reports mailout/data available in Reportal: from 27 November (after the finalisation of grades)


SECaT and SETutor evaluation methods

The SECaT and SETutor surveys use standardised questionnaires, which are formally reviewed and revised by the University’s Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Committee (TLSEC).

No personalised or customised questions may be added to SECaT and SETutor surveys. 

Refer to Section 9 of the Procedure for the list of SECaT and SETutor questions. 

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Preparing data for creating SECaT and SETutor survey

Refer to the Evaluation Data Preparation Guide (PDF, 63.1 KB) for the full breakdown of all data requirements in the Course Profiles (via Jac) to ensure SECaT and SETutor surveys can be created.

For SECaT surveys

SECaT surveys are administered for every course with 5 or more (≥5) enrolments each time it is taught, and for every teacher with a Threshold Teaching Load (defined in Section 8 of the Procedure) on a course entered in UQ’s curriculum management system (i.e. Jac). 

For SETutor surveys

SETutor surveys are administered at the course level with 5 or more (≥ 5) enrolments, as 1 SETutor evaluation per Tutor (defined in Section 8 of the Procedure), per course. This includes where the Tutor delivers multiple tutorials/laboratories across different modes of instruction for one course. 

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Seeking feedback for small courses

SECaT and SETutor surveys will not be generated for courses with fewer than 5 students enrolled.

If your course has fewer than 5 students, refer to the Assuring and Enhancing Course and Teaching Quality Guideline for a list of informal student feedback tools to solicit feedback from students. These tools allow for customised question sets.

Data collected via these tools are only for your own personal feedback, and will not be reported via formal mechanisms (e.g. UQ Reportal) or shown in your Individual Academic Profile (IAP).

SECaT surveys for courses with multiple delivery modes can also be merged if one mode has fewer than 5 enrolments. Course coordinators can email their survey merger requests to by the semester’s Census date.

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Engaging students in SECaT and SETutor

Increasing response rate

Listen to how other UQ teaching staff improve their SECaT response rate

Listen to how other UQ teaching staff encourage constructive student feedback

It's good practice to encourage your students to participate by doing the following before and during the evaluation period:

  • Give notice that online evaluation will begin soon (e.g. inform students to check their student email accounts on the week that evaluations open, and the ‘Have Your Say’ module on the welcome page of Blackboard).
  • Tell students why evaluations are conducted and what they're used for. You can use the promotion slide with QR code (PPTX, 322.4 KB).
  • Set aside class time for students to use their own device to complete the evaluation. Academics that use this approach have been found to achieve higher response rates than those who don't set aside class time.

Communicating with students

Communicate the following message to your students:

You will be asked to complete an online survey about your educational experiences in this course.

Student feedback should be honest, constructive, and respectful to improve the quality of teaching and learning. UQ acknowledges that (at times), valuable feedback may include critical language conveyed in a negative tone.

However, student feedback that is reasonably considered to be abusive, malicious, discriminatory or are breaches of University policy will not be accepted.

Course Coordinators are encouraged to provide a summary of evaluation outcomes, as well as how they have responded to comments received, to students in the next cohort. This information may be recorded on the Blackboard site and discussed in the first class of the semester.

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Getting your SECaT and SETutor evaluation report

Staff will receive an email with their evaluation report following the official release date of final grades each semester, as specified in the UQ academic calendar.

Consider looking at the SECaT Reading Tips (PDF, 116.2 KB) before opening your evaluation reports.

To protect confidentiality, evaluation reports will only be distributed when a single survey meets the reportable data threshold (5 or more (≥5) responses). Where there are fewer than 5 responses, no numerical analysis and/or comments will be disclosed in evaluation reports.

SECaT and SETutor results are also accessible via UQ Reportal. If you require access to UQ Reportal, submit a request using the online form.

Links to the various SECaT reports that are available to download from UQ Reportal are provided on the SECaT course and teaching reports webpage.

How to access and print your reports

Sample reports

Quantitative results of all course evaluations from 2015 to the current semester are also available for staff and students to view.

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Staff requests to redact or remove student comments

The process for redacting or removing student comments is outlined in Paragraph 37 to 38 of the Procedure

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Confidentiality and ethics

Evaluation data and student confidentiality

The University will ensure that all data is collected and managed in accordance with University policies and relevant privacy laws, including the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld).

UQ is not to provide information that will identify a student who responds to the SECaT or SETutor survey unless required elsewhere in the Procedure or by law.

The identity of students remains confidential within SSET. Student identities are not disclosed to individual staff.

Students are requested not to self-identify and student identities remain confidential and are not released to teaching staff. However, if the student does self-identify, teaching staff are not to contact individual students about their responses to SECaT and/or SETutor surveys.

Refer to the Procedure for more details.

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Contacting the Student Surveys and Evaluations Team (SSET)

For any enquiries regarding the SECaT and SETutor surveys, please contact the UQ Student Surveys and Evaluations Team (SSET):

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  Access your reports

SECaT results are emailed to Course Coordinators and made available via UQ Reportal.

Log-in to UQ Reportal



Encourage constructive SECaT feedback

Improve your SECaT response rate

Improve your SECaT results


Learn how academics from your school get the most out of SECaT.

Watch the SECaT interview series (YouTube)

Promotional assets

Resources to share with students to encourage SECaT and SETutor participation.

Promotional video for students (YouTube)

SECaT promotion slide with QR code (PPTX, 322.4 KB)


Ensure that SECaT and SETutor surveys are properly created

Evaluation data preparation guide  (PDF, 63.1 KB)

How to effectively use the reports to enhance your practice

Reading and interpreting SECaT reports (PDF, 116.2 KB)