Case study 10: Active learning approach within a German language course
This project aimed to use authentic video materials to help develop students’ autonomy at a transitional stage in German language learning.
- Course: GRMN2010 Continuing German Language (second year undergraduate)
- School/Faculty: School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Delivery: weekly 3-hour face-to-face seminar session
- Active learning approach: use of authentic German news clips as a trigger to learning
- Assessment: end-of-semester oral exam
Key issues and anticipated outcomes
This project aimed to address the following issues:
- The limits to students’ linguistic autonomy – and therefore learning – at this communicative level (approx. B1, as defined by the ‘Common European Framework’).
- Students at this level are at a key transitional stage between using German imitatively (i.e. beginners’ courses) and using German with something comparable to their autonomy in their first language (i.e. advanced courses).
- Although the emphasis at this level starts to shift significantly from learning a ‘language’ to learning ‘content’ and ‘culture,’ students cannot yet readily assimilate linguistically and intellectually sophisticated texts.
Project innovation partner
- Dr Geoff Wilkes – Course Coordinator and Project Innovation Partner