AI and assessment transformation | Learning Designers | Invitation to collaborate

At the Assessment Transformation and UQ Student View on AI workshop on 25 November, we launched the "Lead Through Learning" project, a multi-year initiative aimed at preparing students and staff for changes in teaching and learning. Key to the success of this project, we will have Learning Designers embedded within faculties, to support in curriculum transformation, embedding AI literacy, and enhancing assessment security. These Learning Designers will work closely with academic staff, driving coordination through ITaLI's hub-and-spoke model, and will collaborate with policy leaders from the Academic Board and PVC(ESE), with evaluations led by Professor Kelly Matthews. 

The workshop marked the start of a consultation process with opportunities to contribute: 
•    Online Feedback: Share input via Padlet 1 and Padlet 2 until 10 January (UQ login required).
•    Drop-in Zoom Session: Tuesday, 7 January, 9:00 – 9:45 am (register here).

Additionally, UQ’s Digital Learning Sub-Committee invites staff to share their insights by completing the AI Use Survey.

Recordings and materials are available to all staff and students via the Padlet links above. We encourage you to share these resources and opportunities widely across your schools, faculties, and networks. Thank you for your support as we shape this important initiative.