Teaching and Learning (T&L) Week
28 October – 1 November 2024


Teaching and Learning (T&L) Week is an opportunity for the UQ community to learn from one another and celebrate creative and innovative teaching and learning practices designed to enhance student learning.

The theme for 2024 is Future Ready with 3 sub-themes:

  • UQ's future student cohorts
  • preparing students for the future: AI and lifelong learning
  • shaping UQ’s teaching and learning future –translating plans into action.

Download the 2024 program (PDF, 60.8 KB)



ITaLI Communications and Events

Developing respectful leaders through extracurricular programs 

2 November 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
Join us for short presentations by each of the faculty student experience teams with an extracurricular student leadership program.

BEL event: embedding cultural capability in your curriculum

2 November 2023 12:00pm2:00pm
Participants will learn how to embed Indigenous Australian perspectives to achieve cultural capability in courses and identify ways to connect Indigenous and non-Indigenous content.

Educating UQ students for leadership capability

2 November 2023 11:00am12:00pm
In this facilitated panel, we will hear from our most important stakeholders, our students. They will tell us about their leadership journey while attending UQ before we reflect on our teaching and learning practice as a conduit for leadership development. 

HaBS event: mind the SAP

2 November 2023 9:00am11:00am
A panel discussion and workshop exploring ways of making suitable accommodations for individual student needs in WIL and simulation.

Learning by productive failure

1 November 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
This session will have an introductory, seminar style presentation by Gareth Denyer, followed by questions and short presentations from Course Coordinators and tutors who have implemented 'Virtual Lab Benches' into their courses. 

Teaching Work Integrated Learning across a program

1 November 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
The session includes a short presentation and a panel discussion with the applied linguistics team, and our resident employability specialist, Dr Angie Knaggs.  

Graduate Attributes: translating learning into value

1 November 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
This session discusses the intention of the UQ Graduate Attributes and how they can be used to bridge the gap between the language of capabilities and competencies (Higher Ed) and skills (Industry).

Faculty of Medicine teaching and learning awards

1 November 2023 1:00pm3:00pm
This event celebrates teaching excellence across the Faculty of Medicine

Inclusivity in your assessment: a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach

1 November 2023 11:30am1:00pm
This session demonstrates how to apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to our courses

Teaching innovation showcase

1 November 2023 10:00am11:30am
This showcase will be an opportunity to engage with an eclectic mix of the innovative teaching, learning, assessment and research of your colleagues.

Using visual media to enhance learning outcomes

1 November 2023 9:00am10:00am
This workshop will discuss how visual media (e.g. video, animation and graphic design) can be used in teaching to enhance student outcomes.

Suitcase rummage: a guide to implementing Graduate Attributes

31 October 2023 1:00pm3:00pm
Join us for a series of Pecha Kucha-style presentations—your presenters have 1 slide and 1 minute—showcasing effective, practical, ’how-to’ ideas and creative solutions to implementing graduate attributes in your work, your classrooms, in your courses, or across your programs.

What is strategic leadership?

31 October 2023 12:00pm1:00pm
This session focuses on strategic leadership in teaching and learning, what it is and what it looks like in different contexts and across different roles.

HEA presents

31 October 2023 10:00am5:00pm
We invite you to share, collaborate and connect across a series of interactive, face-to-face sessions designed by the HEA Community at UQ, and to celebrate the achievements and successes of our own colleagues who have recently received recognition through the HEA@UQ Fellowship scheme.

Professional Standards Framework 2023 update

31 October 2023 9:30am10:00am
The session forms part of the Teaching and Learning Community Forum program and is recommended to anyone intending to apply for, review applications for, or mentor for fellowship in 2024.

Assessment, communication and mentorship

31 October 2023 9:00am10:00am
Three sessions will run concurrently as part of the HEA presents workshops.

Designing assessment with student cognition in mind

30 October 2023 4:00pm5:00pm
This presentation documents a multi-disciplinary teaching and learning project that focused on designing assessment to develop and measure students' cognitive and metacognitive capabilities

Internationalising higher education

30 October 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
A selective set of UQ units will inspire the audience to become involved in existing or initiate new global experiences that complement students' current experiences.

Building cultural capability in Indigenous studies

30 October 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
This interactive showcase will explore how Indigenous knowledge and culture has been woven throughout UQ courses

Storying a knowledge basket: engaging students in Indigenous studies

30 October 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
This session presents the findings of a UQ Teaching Innovation grant that used a thematic analysis of interviews with UQ students enrolled in Indigenous Studies' courses

Opening event | T&L Week 2023

30 October 2023 10:00am12:00pm
Join us for the opening event of 2023 Teaching and Learning Week.


Teaching and Learning Awards

Monday 28 October 2024

UQ Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning will be announced at a ceremony at Customs House, Brisbane.