UQ's teaching and learning excellence is underpinned by a rich network of collegiate peer support. ITaLI hosts a number of networks and shares information about UQ-wide networks in teaching and learning. 

Our Communities of Practice go by many names – professional learning communities (PLCs), educational networks and learning circles. They all recognise the power of learning with and from each other to advance educational innovation and practices.  

Register for upcoming meetings below or read more about networks that look interesting.

Benefits include: 

  • connecting with peers 
  • sharing good practice and learning from one another 
  • supporting career development.

You may also find your faculty or school has its own networks for sharing discipline-specific knowledge.


If you need support to establish, promote and maintain your networks, please contact the Professional Learning team via the email below.


UQ Teaching Focused Network

21 February 2024 9:30am11:30am
Telling your TF Teaching Impact Story with the Provost and Deputy-Provost.

Students as Partners Roundtable (online)

20 October 2023 9:15am10:15am
Join us on Friday 20 October 2023 the online Annual Students as Partners Roundtable 2023.

Students as Partners Roundtable (in-person)

27 September 2023 9:00am28 September 2023 5:00pm

UQ Teaching Focused Network

6 September 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
This TF pop-up session was prompted by three Leading UQ colleagues responding to a challenge from the Vice-Chancellor.

Programmatic approaches to assessment

29 August 2023 1:00pm2:00pm
This inaugural Assessment Inquiry Network event is hosted by the Digital Assessment Team and will discuss programmatic approaches to assessment.

UQ Teaching Focused Network

24 February 2023 1:30pm3:00pm
Reflecting on APD with the Provost and Deputy-Provost

UQ Teaching Focused Network

15 February 2023 3:00pm4:00pm
A conversation with UQ's DVCA, Professor Kris Ryan
