The Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) at The University of Queensland offers a variety of workshops and short courses designed to enhance educational practices. These events cover a wide range of topics, including the use of digital tools for creating interactive content, the application of innovative technologies in education, and methods for indigenising curriculum and fostering inclusive practices.

Assessment review and writing session

27 March 2024 12:00pm1:00pm
The theme for the Week 6 session is implementing a feedback initiative.

Assessment review and writing session

6 March 2024 12:00pm1:00pm
The theme for the Week 3 session is converting manually marked to automatically marked questions.

RiPPLE workshop

2 February 2024 10:00am12:00pm

H5P (Interactive Learning Objects)

1 February 2024 10:00am12:00pm
This course is an introduction to H5P an open-source online toolbox of activities that allows staff to create and share interactive content.

Turnitin Gradescope

31 January 2024 10:00am12:00pm

Active Learning with EchoPoll

30 January 2024 10:00am12:00pm
In this workshop, participants will develop skills in using EchoPoll.

Active Learning with EchoPoll

6 December 2023 1:00pm3:00pm
In this workshop, participants will develop skills in using EchoPoll.

Buddycheck (Group member evaluation)

30 November 2023 10:00am12:00pm
This course will introduce participants to Buddycheck - a tool, that is used for group peer evaluations where students rate each other’s contributions to a group project.

H5P (Interactive Learning Objects) Workshop

29 November 2023 10:00am12:00pm
This course is an introduction to H5P, an open-source online toolbox of activities that allows staff to create and share interactive content in courses.

Turnitin Workshop

23 November 2023 10:00am12:00pm
In this course, participants will be guided through the process of creating a Turnitin assignment, the student assignment submission process and setting up rubrics. Marking assignments online.

Learn.UQ Basics Workshop

22 November 2023 10:00am12:00pm
This workshop has been designed to provide participants with a structured programme to develop knowledge, skills, and confidence in using Learn.UQ (Blackboard), UQ's learning management system.

EAIT perspectives on Indigenising the Curriculum and inclusive practice

3 November 2023 1:00pm3:00pm
This session will showcase current examples of EAIT courses that include Indigenous Knowledge, Studies and Perspectives to share practice in this across the Faculty as we work to Indigenise our curricula.

Exploring the horizon: games, VR, AR and 3D printing in education

3 November 2023 12:00pm1:00pm
Join us on this educational journey as we explore the potential of games, VR, AR and 3D printing to revolutionise teaching and learning.

Advancing health professions education research at UQ

3 November 2023 10:00am12:00pm
Join us for an engaging workshop session hosted by HaBS and FoM all about health professional education research.

Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Forum

3 November 2023 9:00am12:00pm
This event will bring colleagues with responsibilities and interests in STEM teaching and learning together to learn new practices, reflect and share stories.

2023 HASS teaching and learning Awards

2 November 2023 2:00pm4:00pm
The annual Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) Teaching and Learning Awards event celebrates the achievements of academic colleagues who have shown sustained excellence in teaching and learning.


Browse workshops and short courses by category

A range of hands-on workshops and professional learning activities (in-person and online) designed to help you develop your teaching practice.
Practical workshops run by the ITaLI eLearning team (in-person and online) on using centrally-supported systems and tools.
Two workshops, an online course and a Community of Practice designed to support you in embedding entrepreneurial education in your teaching.
A series of workshops (in-person and online) designed to build your skills in creating, producing and editing your own educational audio/video content.
Self-paced online courses tailored for UQ academic and professional staff in teaching and learning.