The Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI) at The University of Queensland offers a variety of workshops and short courses designed to enhance educational practices. These events cover a wide range of topics, including the use of digital tools for creating interactive content, the application of innovative technologies in education, and methods for indigenising curriculum and fostering inclusive practices.

UQ Teaching Focused Network

6 September 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
This TF pop-up session was prompted by three Leading UQ colleagues responding to a challenge from the Vice-Chancellor.


10 August 2023 10:00am12:00pm
In this course, participants will be guided through the process of creating a Turnitin assignment, the student assignment submission process and setting up rubrics.

Buddycheck (group member evaluation)

2 August 2023 10:00am12:00pm
This course will introduce participants to Buddycheck - a tool, that is used for group peer evaluations where students rate each other’s contributions to a group project.

Buddycheck (group member evaluation)

28 July 2023 10:00am12:00pm
This course will introduce participants to Buddycheck - a tool, that is used for group peer evaluations where students rate each other’s contributions to a group project.

Teaching@UQ program (Sem 2)

20 July 2023 1:00pm4:00pm

Buddycheck (group member evaluation)

19 July 2023 10:00am
This course will introduce participants to Buddycheck - a tool, that is used for group peer evaluations where students rate each other’s contributions to a group project.

Integrity Officer’s update

14 July 2023 1:00pm2:30pm
This interactive session will include short presentations updating participants about prevention, detection, and investigation of student misconduct at UQ. Supportive case studies, training and resources will be included and there will be time for group discussion and questions.

Buddycheck (group member evaluation)

14 July 2023 10:00am12:00pm
This course will introduce participants to Buddycheck

Reimagine your reading list

13 July 2023 2:30pm3:30pm
In this session participants will learn how to create an engaging course reading list using Talis Aspire.

Crucible campus moments: debrief

13 July 2023 12:00pm12:30pm
This session will follow the scavenger hunt that participants should have hopefully completed during Ready to Teach Week. Participants will engage in an informal discussion to reflect on the experience. The scavenger hunt instructions will be shared with staff throughout the week.

Collaborative learning tools

13 July 2023 10:00am11:30am
In this webinar you will create awareness and develop skills of using Ed Discussion Board and Padlet in your course.

Generative AI in Teaching and Learning

12 July 2023 2:00pm3:00pm
This interactive session will: introduce what Generative AI is; review current tools; explore examples of their use and potential; provide an overview UQ’s guidance about Generative AI; and will discuss data and privacy implications

Why does assessment need to change? Explore benefits and ideas for enhancing assessment

12 July 2023 12:30pm2:00pm
In this workshop participants will be explore ideas about the benefits of inevitable assessment change; research-informed approaches; engagement through chat and video; and identify changes to enhance existing assessments.

Coordinating courses – setting up for a successful semester

12 July 2023 11:00am12:00pm
This workshop is for new teaching staff at UQ. It will include tips and tricks for how to best use your Electronic Course Profile (ECP) and Learn.UQ sites to minimise hassle, as well as examples of implementing a communication strategy and managing student expectations

What's new in eLearning

12 July 2023 10:00am11:00am
This session will include an overview of new functions and capabilities within a range of eLearning systems

Beyond Orientation: supporting the first-year classroom

11 July 2023 2:00pm
participants will hear from staff and students involved in a Student-Staff Partner Project that focuses on the first-year student experience in the classroom.

T&L challenges and solutions exchange

11 July 2023 12:30pm2:00pm
Join this casual event where you will be able to network with colleagues and discuss specific teaching challenges and problems you might have in the upcoming semester.

Active Learning with EchoPoll

11 July 2023 11:00am12:30pm
This session will introduce participants to the new tool EchoPoll and how it is utilised in teaching.


Browse workshops and short courses by category

A range of hands-on workshops and professional learning activities (in-person and online) designed to help you develop your teaching practice.
Practical workshops run by the ITaLI eLearning team (in-person and online) on using centrally-supported systems and tools.
Two workshops, an online course and a Community of Practice designed to support you in embedding entrepreneurial education in your teaching.
A series of workshops (in-person and online) designed to build your skills in creating, producing and editing your own educational audio/video content.
Self-paced online courses tailored for UQ academic and professional staff in teaching and learning.